About Us

COSMOPLASTICA was established in 1997 as a private limited company for the production and marketing of plastic items for general consumption.

COSMOPLASTICA - rreth nesh F

In 1997 COSMOPLASTICA started its activity with only two machines and a few molds for plastic items. Year by year, the number of machines, articles and their types, as well as the number of workers, started to increase one by one.

Product categories

Plant pot

Chairs & Stools

Mop Bukcets

Basins and Washtubs

Food Containers

Laundry baskets & Trash Cans


32 CM - 32 CM - 57CM

COSMOPLASTICA offers a complete range of pots for plants and flowers of all sizes. This wide range allows you to choose the most suitable style for any environment. They are perfect for interior, home or office decor.

The newest

Brilante katrore + pjatë

Brilante rrethore + pjatë

Seria A’ + pjatë

Zardiniere Seria E” + pjatë

Why should you choose our products?

The best quality on the market

Ecological and recyclable products
